For our Camera Shots/Angles Quiz, we were told to create a story with inanimate objects using 15 different and creative shots. These shots were supposed to be used in a manner to convey information and tone.
My teammate and I started a planning sheet where we planned which shots we would use and for what scenes. We both decided to do a story using two cups fighting at a school lunch table. We agreed on different shots to allow the processing of the movements, tone, and emotion behind the characters and scenes.
During the shooting of our scenes, my teammate and I worked efficiently and quickly. We also utilized our surroundings to the greatest extent, from using objects to prop up our camera to asking students nearby to hold the camera for certain shots. One of our flaws that I believe we could have improved upon is the amount of time we took on our planning sheet. We constantly ended up changing our minds and didn't have a solid plan until many discussions later. This caused some of our shooting process to be rushed. In the end, the project turned out great in my opinion and I learned many valuable lessons from this experience.
Project Link:
camera shots shots shots shots.pptx