Sunday, February 9, 2025

Color Scheme

 Hey there blog! I feel like focusing on color scheming and color choice would be a very interesting touch in our final film opening! But, although I know many basics on color scheming I decided to do further research on the subject. 

Here is some research on the colors Marissa and I think we might utilize: 


The color red is seen as a powerful color. It can either be bright or dark, yet it still almost always stands out when you see it. (Fun fact: McDonald's used red in their logo alongside yellow to draw viewer attention!) 
Red can be used in film as passion and love but it can also be seen in a dangerous and violent context. For example, the color red in a horror movie probably has a different meaning than red in a romance film. 

Marissa came up with a great idea of making the clothing of the vampire in our film red. To symbolize that they are dangerous and insinuate violence. Red will also be seen when blood is shown (when the vampire attacks.) Red is a main element in horror and its no doubt we'll use it. 


The color green in film can mean nature-related things but it can also symbolize corruption and darkness. 

Marissa and I planned on shooting our film outside, with grass and trees in the background with a dark hue. Of course, since our film is considered a horror film, we want to utilize green as a dark and ominous aspect. 


White is seen in many contexts as pure and innocent. This ranges from angelic figures to religion, cleanliness, and purity. White in film can relate to audiences in a cultural aspect. In many religions, white is a ceremonial color (like in the first communion for catholicism.) Angels are seen as robed in white also, symbolizing peace like a white dove and coming to deliver purity among humanity. 
In contrast to our vampire, possibly clothed in red, we want to clothe the vampire's victim in white. The innocence of the character will present contrast with the background and clothing of the vampire. 
Perhaps the character's white clothing will be stained in blood after an attack, symbolizing the loss of innocence and fear after being brutally attacked by a supernatural force. 

Focusing on color scheming with clothing, objects, and background in our film would be a great addition and I can't wait to put my thought process into action! 

PremiumBeat. (n.d.). Color schemes in filmmaking. PremiumBeat.
No Film School. (n.d.). Color psychology in film. No Film School.
Slow Burn Horror. (2021, September 24). The meaning of red in horror. Slow Burn Horror.

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...