The film Longlegs opens with a bright red square. This bright red square is seen in the background as the opening credits play throughout. In film, red is normally associated with strong emotions like anger, love, and incoming danger. This might provide a sense of foreshadowing of the plot of the film, but also an uneasy warning of what's to come in this horror film.
There is no lyrical music in the background, but there is a non-diegetic sound of soft small beats with heavy static playing. The sound is almost creepy and strange.
(Listen to the audio here)
Creepy right?
The producing companies and collaborations appear individually. Since producers are principals to film production and usually take control of the film-making process, they are initially introduced. In many films, the producers are the first names audiences see because of how important their role is.
The Menu
The opening credits for The Menu are short and sweet, about 10 seconds actually. It merely introduces the producing company, "Searchlight Pictures." This means there was probably only one company helping in the production process of the film.
But, the next few frames are "invites you to experience" followed by "The Menu" in a cursive and elegant font. The production company was in an all-capital bold font, to almost tell the viewer "Hey I produced this!!!" but then the font changes.
The plot of The Menu is of extremely wealthy people dining in at a restaurant which turns into a blood bath, a play on societal rankings and greed. The cursive font is commonly associated with wealth and elegance, relating to the plot of the film. (See the font psychology article linked below.)
In the opening credits of the movie Us by Jordan Peele, the producing companies and associations, along with the director (Jordan Peele) are presented. High-pitched chanting in the background can be heard, but words can't be exactly made out, almost as if it's in a different language, very eerie and disturbing if you ask me!
The background zooms out into a group of rabbits in cages, probably medical testing rabbits. The inhumane background along with the disturbing music truly adds to the element of horror in the film. Jordan Peele is one of my favorite directors, because of how disturbed you feel after watching a movie of his, he captures psychological horror every time.
Followed by the title of the film, Us, some main actors starring in the film are presented. The red text is associated with strong emotions (as mentioned in the Longlegs research and analysis.)
Overall, the film opening's atmosphere is unsettling and creepy, perhaps one of the most out of all three I've researched.
Descript. (n.d.). Structure, opening, and closing film credits the right way. Descript. https://www.descript.com/blog/article/structure-opening-and-closing-film-credits-the-right-way#:~:text=In%20most%20cases%2C%20the%20producers,top%20of%20the%20opening%20credits.
Designmodo. (n.d.). Font psychology: How typefaces influence perception and emotion. Designmodo. https://designmodo.com/font-psychology/.
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