Friday, October 18, 2024


 There are many representation patterns in the film La La Land. Dreams and ambitions are represented throughout the film as a major thematic element. Mia and Sebastian are both characters who have great ambitions. Mia dreams of becoming an actress, while Sebastian has a passion for opening a jazz club. Both characters also represent the struggle of balancing their aspirations with personal relationships throughout the story. 

Mia performs her one-woman show "So Long Boulder City." The stage set up is minimalist with small and sparse props. The empty seats in the theater further emphasize the discouraging reality of chasing her dreams. These simple props reinforce the idea that her ambition exists in a world where reaching said ambitions is hard to come by. 

The film also represents Los Angeles as a land of opportunities and challenges. L.A. has a depiction in which it is the land of dreams, hence the constant mentioning of fame throughout the movie. But, also with the struggles and challenges portrayed by the two main characters. This representation is used a symbolic piece for the struggle within the entertainment industry. For example, the opening music number "Another Day of Sun" takes place on a freeway. The mise-en-scène of the freeway itself represents LA as a metaphorical crossroad for dreamers. The traffic jam symbolizes the obstacles and delays many face in LA. The bright costumes, diverse cast of dancers, and colorful props reflect each person in LA with unique dreams but facing the same struggle to move onward. 

The film also makes sure to get across the representation of jazz as an art form with cultural heritage. Sebastian views jazz as something great and artistic. He sees it as underappreciated and an art form that deserves to be preserved due to its vast history. Through his goal of opening his own jazz club, he is dedicated to spreading his love for jazz and bringing its traditional style back to LA. Sebastian gives a passionate speech about jazz’s nature improvising through each musician and its history to Mia when they visit a jazz club. The film represents jazz as an important piece of cultural heritage. 

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...