The campaign outline entailed the steps an artist (our groups made up of artists, used as a baseline,) took to reach fame and popularity during their campaign. I did research on multiple artists and their steps into becoming rising stars. I researched artists such as Kendrick Lamar and Cardi B. I took time to research their upcoming and the connections they had. First, both artists collaborated with other mainstream artists before going solo. For example, Snoop Dogg was in a rap group before being recognized as a sole artist.
Many artists also use digital platforms to expose themselves to an audience. So, for our artist in this project, I decided to reach out via online platforms to gain minimal popularity and start collaborating with labels and small artists. By doing this, our artist can form connections in the music world, ultimately leading to album releases, concerts, and more.
Some examples of marketing used would be digital and physical. As our campaign started, the artist would expose themselves to an audience through digital services such as TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Alongside this, the artist can make a cheap yet fun and interactive website, adding personality to the artist. Advertisements, billboards, posters, and any form of photographs with other celebrities or artists would drastically improve the audience range also.
Once the artist reaches a peak of fame, merchandise can be distributed along with vinyl and CDs (which collectors love.) As the artist continues to grow, more marketing strategy needs to also. With more of an audience, more distributions of marketing need to be put in place.
Overall, this gave my team mates and I a deep insight into the music industry and will hopefully allow us to finalize our project and polish it to perfection.
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