Saturday, March 1, 2025

Foley sounds

Hey there blog! We're really excited to incorporate foley sounds. Foley sounds are sound effects created off screen to match what's happening on screen. For example, when recording a fireplace, to exaggerate the sound of fire burning, you can crinkle a plastic garbage bag and record the sound. Overall, I think its a really fun thing to do, I've done it before for a film class in middle school! You can be creative and still come out with a really good outcome :)

Benji jogging in the forest

When Veronica runs off into the forest, teasing Benji to run after her, Benji follows. The camera follows him running in the forest at night, when he suddenly trips and falls, hitting his head in the process. We wanted to exaggerate the sounds in this scene to truly get the fact that he's running and hitting his head. The actual audio of our actor running might not be loud enough to hear. 

So, how do we plan on creating this audio? For the footsteps of Benji running after Veronica I planned on getting some shoes and stomping them on concrete against leaves. I need to get the pace right so I'm going to do multiple takes of different speeds of the footsteps to see what matches. The leaves add to the forest effect, making it seem like that audio also matches with the scenery. 

Veronica essentially mauling Benji

Veronica is seen lunging at Benji, as both characters go off screen. When the characters are offscreen, we can see shadows cast of Veronica on top of Benji, biting him and feasting on his blood. But, gruesome audio can also be heard to expand the element of horror. 

For the sound of biting and gnawing (our base sound) I would use chicken breast. I would sink my nails in it and move it around and lightly tear it apart. Then, I would layer it peeling of an orange to really sell the effect of skin being ripped off. Maybe another layer of celery snapping to mimic bone crunching. And finally for some of the mouth sounds, I would record chewing gum. 

All of this layering, although disturbing, is going to be my favorite part! It's complex and the end result can turn out really gross, just what we were looking for!

I cant wait to show you guys my foley sounds eventually!!!

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...