Friday, February 28, 2025


 Hey there blog! Props can make or break a film. If you're going for a realistic look, having paper made props that are falling apart will make your film turn into a comedy... Marissa and I want our horror film to have realistic props to add to the realism of our horror film. But how are we going to do that? Well we had some ideas and this is what we came up with: 

Fake blood

I really wanted to DIY the fake blood, because I've seen videos online and it looks actually pretty fun to make (lol.) So, I tried to do it at home. I mixed corn syrup, cornstarch, red food coloring, and some blue coloring together. One problem... it stained EVERYWHERE. It took forever to come off and I refuse to let Marissa put that on her face and mouth. 

We found some fake blood online and decided to order from there, we made sure it didn't stain by looking at some reviews. And it was super cheap and gets here on time to film! Problem solved :)


One of our characters, Benji pulls out a pack of cigarettes to add to his cocky/rebellious persona. He's a clueless smoker with money. Marissa and I didn't only want to find fake cigarettes, we wanted one that could release smoke. 

We knew this would  be too much work to make by hand, so we found a website that sells herbal cigarettes called Honey Rose USA! Their cigarettes look super realistic, and honestly $26 isn't that bad for a pack of real looking cigarettes. I bet you've noticed we've been mostly buying our props than creating them, but were still trying to find alternative ways and creative ways to enhance our film!



Benji is obviously wealthy, so we wanted to give him gold jewelry and items. Something Marissa wanted was for him to wear a gold chain, and I was thinking of a gold watch. I didn't have either and neither did Marissa. So, we asked a friend in our math class to lend us some. He said he has them and wouldn't have a problem letting us borrow them. Thank you Jordan!! 

Vampire teeth

For Veronica's vampire teeth, I tried to make a DIY version too... Similar to the blood, it failed. I used white wax to shape the teeth but as soon as you try to stick them onto your teeth they wouldn't stick! We also ended up buying the teeth online, but to stick them Marissa bought proper wax to melt (smart.) 

Even though we've had a lot of issues with the props, we ended up finding solutions, even if it meant spending some money here and there. 

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...