Hey there blog! Today I wanted to talk to you about our target audience. This is a crucial aspect in the development of filmmaking. But first, what is a target audience?
A target audience is a group of people you want to view or buy your service, in this case, a film. Certain behaviors and statistics gathered over time can help identify what your target audience is. Different film techniques and genres must be evaluated based on a target audience. For example, if you're trying to cater towards adults, you wouldn't make an animated children's show that teaches you how to spell (lol.)
Horror and its target audience
Since our film is composed of horror, I did some research on the average target audience of horror movies as a whole. Here's what I found:
-Women and men both watch horror films, but there tend to be slightly more numbers for female viewers.
-The average age group for horror films is ages 18-24, but 20% of people slightly older and younger still watch horror films. As age increases, percentages for viewings decrease. Horror films increase a viewer's heart rate, providing a sense of thrill and panic without danger. Younger audiences usually seek this, older audiences usually don't.
What about vampires?
I conducted my own research on the target audience of vampire films by going through fan forums, my prior knowledge of movies, and what I've heard people talk about.
Vampire films are primarily watched by the teenage girl audience. Not only is there thrill, but there is the romanticization of vampiric elements. For example, in Twilight, many teenage girls find the love story element in the film their main reason for watching. Btw, are you team Edward or Jacob? (If you get it, you get)
How are we going to use this for our own project?
Using the research on horror and vampire films, we've established our target audience and things we will do to attract them.
Marissa and I agreed our target audience would probably fall under the teenage category, maybe skewed more towards girls but not necessarily on purpose.
First of all, our film already establishes a sense of romance and the mild sexualization of Veronica, a vampire on a date with a human. She's the female lead role, who is attractive and uses her looks to find victims to prey upon. Many teenage girls might find this almost empowering or slightly comedic, yet still scary with the aspects of horror.
We take heavy inspiration from Jennifer's Body, which also has a large teenage audience.
Although we aren't focused on a specific gender, we are definitely focused on catering towards teenagers. :)
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