Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CCR #1

 Hey there blog! I have to start working on my creative critical reflections now! I plan on splitting CCR 1 and 2 into one video and 3 and 4 into another. I want to create a podcast that takes a creative approach and answers questions excitingly. Originally, I wanted to make a video podcast, but since I also have to focus on finalizing my film opening, I believe a sole audio podcast would allow me to spend time focusing on other things too. 

The first question of the CCR I will do will include topics about genre characteristics, common conventions that were challenged/embraced, and ensuring our audience views the film in the direction we want (probably should utilize a media theory) 

Using the original research I did on common genre conventions in film openings (check my other blog posts! Here's one about film openings.), I already know some of the genre characteristics I'll talk about. I'll talk about darker lighting, mise en scene, monster/scary choice, color theory like the color red in horror, and reference other horror films. 

I mostly embraced these aspects in the film, and will make sure to reference how I personally used these in my own film opening. 

We want our film to be viewed as scary. Not exactly terrifying, but we incorporated a plot twist to leave the audience on edge. We utilized the enigma theory as you can only see a quick shot of the vampire pouncing, but you can't see the outcome. 

The "questions" will be viewers of the podcast sending them in. I'll read them out loud and answer them, I want my podcast to be informative and slightly comedic, so I'll try to include some of those elements too! 

To be even more realistic, I want to include some fake advertisements in the middle of the podcast :)

Here's a rough draft of how my podcast will open and the general gist of how things will go:

(Intro music plays)

"Hi there! I'm Juliana, and welcome to Snapshot (audio of a camera shooting), where we talk about film techniques and all things film related!" 

"If you've been watching me for a while, you know that recently I made a short film opening. I've talked about it the past few weeks and I can't believe I'm finally done."

"I'm always the one doing the talking, so I wanted to give you guys a chance to ask me some questions. You guys had some pretty good questions on Twitter (tweet sound plays) and I can't wait to answer them!"

"First question, from @dai34perm, "You mentioned your film used horror characteristics, what even are horror characteristics?" (etc)

I'll add many sound effects to make up for the visual experience, and I hope it's as enjoyable as I think it'll be! (By the way, I take heavy inspiration from Brittany Broski, she's hilarious) 

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...