Friday, March 7, 2025

CCR #2

 Hey there blog! I'm gonna keep doing individual blog posts for each question of my CCR in order to keep on track of my progress and share my ideas :)

Like I mentioned in my blog post about CCR #1, for the first two CCR's I'll be incorporating the questions and answers into an audio podcast! Once again, I'll be doing a podcast to showcase these ideas, and I might have changed my mind lol... You know how I said I was thinking of doing an audio based podcast? I feel like doing a visual one would be really cool too!! So I'm still thinking about my options!

For CCR #2 I must talk about my target audience, production choices to engage my audience, and focusing on different distribution strategies. 

I already did research for this CCR in the past regarding target audience (see my research here) But ill include some of the graphs of my research again: 

I'll mention these statistics in my podcast to define my overall target audience. Including other aspects such as vampire age groups. 

Some common production choices in horror movies are mainly used to evoke fear in the audience. Dark lighting, shots of characters alone, quick cuts, sound effects, etc. are very common aspects. In my film, we utilized all of these, including an extra addition of cool lighting for an unsettling effect. I'll make sure to also speak of these topics in my podcast. I might compare my film to common horror films to show just how much I utilized important production choices. 

For an upcoming film, I have to be realistic. It probably wont be distributed in a movie theater... I can distribute this film in film festivals, like common ones that I can enter such as the UF film festival, or the Broward film festival. This can gain attention from critics and perhaps allow our film to be distributed in even more aspects, while also getting recognition for our work. Uploading the film to YouTube can gain us an even greater audience. All of this can be done with little to no payments, and easy access for beginner film makers. 

This blog post was basically an outline of what I researched and what I plan on talking about in my podcast. This was a really helpful blueprint, and I cant wait to see the final product!

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Shooting Process!

Hey there blog! Today we finally wrapped up shooting all our scenes for our film opening! (Yayyy) It was honestly really fun and enjoyable. ...